Monday, January 30, 2017
Dominique Venner on Freikorps
“The men of the Freikorps were sons of the war, of the defeat and of the November revolution. They were direct relations of the ‘arditi’ of Fiume and of the ‘squadristi’ that emerged a little later in Italy, and embodied a very specific type of man, one that was never to be seen again. They were formed primarily by the trench warfare of WWI. The war had sifted out those men who were psychologically or morally broken by the ordeal, separating them from those who emerged from it stronger and harder than before. Jünger compared them to the old German mercenaries, whose only homeland was their flag. The war had abolished all social differences between them, equalising them according to standard that had nothing to do with civilian life. The rankings of class were replaced by one of daring and courage, and now they wanted to transfer this new hierarchy of values into the post-war civil society. In their own way, they were socialists. But their socialism was military and had nothing to do with the pursuit of security and material happiness. The only hierarchy they recognised was one of merit. They all shared the same faith in the power of the will and a frank taste for expeditious methods.
While they doubtless did not epitomise the entire essence of fascism and national socialism, they were a foundational element of those movements, in the sense that they embodied the most radical revolt of their time against the bourgeois world.” —
Dominique Venner, “Le Siècle de 1914”
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Excerpts from "MANU: Por El Hombre Que Vendra" by Miguel Serrano
Year 101 of the Hitlerian Age,
Year 1991 of the Judeo-Christian Age.
The superpowers of the world, counterpoised only in appearance, know with certainty that their Enemy has not been defeated, and as Admiral Byrd has said: "Finds himself between them and the Poles". They have been forced to change their strategy, originally declaring the Third World War was contemplated, as a Ritual Sacrifice offered to the Great Demiurge, preceding the imposition of the Messianic times. Capitalists and Communists, controlled by the One and Same Sngle Hand, will have to soften their apparent oppositions, due to the need to face their common Enemy once again who are light-years more advanced than them, because Hitler had recovered his ancient-new Science.
In order to build an atomic bomb like the one in Hiroshima one needs Enriched Uranium, the only thing that is capable of reaching the desired temperatures and pressure. In order to enrich the Uranium one needs such High temperatures with complete mastery of *the Science of Implosion* to make it possible. And this Old Science, almost magical, or simply, Supranatural, was recovered by Hitlerian scientists. Contrary to centrifugal *explosion*, *implosion* is centripetal. It is like a *maelstrom*, it’s suctions; It is the Black Sun, the Black Hole, the Leftward Swastika. And it's power is such that it neutralizes gravity, making possible the flight of Flying Saucers, the UFO, also rediscovered by the Hitlerist Germans at the end of the Second World War. The *Vimana* of the War of the *Mahabaratha*. He who is capable of neutralizing gravity, defeats Entropy and opens up a mysterious *Window* to Immortality, since the expense of energy, old age and death are effects of Gravity; the fatigue of nature and of matter.
And there were, in addition, other secret weapons, unknown until then by Judeo-Liberal science, which were the product of that Aryan relationship with the Extra-Universe,Extra-Terrestrials, a power of magical plasmation, which only that race possesses --or possessed--. The Odic-Vril Force of Transmutation (Odil), "WILL" in its Pure state (all but lost today) and refers to an Aristocratic Relationship, of the Herrenvolk, the People of Lords, with an Extra-Celestial origin. They created the Death Ray, the Ray of the Druids, they deciphered the *Lapsit Electris*, Von Eschenbach's *Grail Stone*, by means of an Astral dislocation, recovering the knowledge of the Ancient *ARMANEN* from Germanic antiquity: Priest-Warriors. Hitlerists possessed an anti-air weapon which produced Absolute Zero in temperature, disintegrating airplanes in mid-flight. Twice, have German combatants recounted to me on another decisive weapon, a small mortar which produced an instantaneous death, leaving enemies immobilized at the instant they were at the projectile's explosion. Only a few drops of coagulated blood under the nose, or on the mouth, would indicate they had died a violent death. These weapons were used and they disappeared without trace. There were also the *Absolute Submarines*, which did not need to come out to the surface, being able to penetrate the North Pole and to reappear in the Oases of the South Pole. This I know. The *Wafeln*, the *Caleuche*.
The occult history of these tragic years we have been called upon to live, it could be better understood if we analyze it by keeping in mind those essential Dichotomies, that intimate, human and Divine Drama, which took place within the Soul and the body of a man who in truth was a Titan in order to resist victory without coming to pieces. Adolf Hitler never wanted the war, nor was he prepared to wage it when it arrived. The war was imposed on him by his enemies, even before they declared it. Hitler saw in the war the failure of his projects for Social and Economic Reform, of his racial plans, of being able to reach a definitive agreement with the English, to organize the world together and to save the Hyperborean race. The same is related by Kubizek himself, who, when reunited with his childhood friend (Hitler), once the war had started, Hitler declared his wish that the war would end soon so he can be able to dedicate himself to build that World in which he dreamed of and to remodel the cities with his genius of Magical Architecture.
Hitler offered peace several times after the war started. Not having been listened to, he then decided upon everything possible to win it quickly. He invented the *Blitzkrieg*, the Lightning War, of the :SIEG: rune. He did not want to destroy the English in Dunkerque. Nor did he invade them. And he sent Rudolph Hess to negotiate with them before initiating his attack on Russia. It was these attitudes of Hitler before England and also before Spain, not entering it's territory without Franco’s permission to take Gibraltar, that are the causes of the defeat, in addition to the treason of General Canaris and so many other High German Lieutenants, without and within the National Socialist Party.
But the Drama must be contemplated and lived through other levels if in truth we want to be able to participate and penetrate into it, deserving the honor of being part of such a great tragedy. One must be able to elevate it to a higher plane of existence, connecting it with it's occult roots. Because if Hitler did not ever want the war, the *Avatar did want it*. And if Hitler, as *Fuehrer*, desired to win the war quickly, the *Avatar did not aspire to it*. The *Avatar* has always been at War, from the beginning of time. And he always *Wins by Losing*, losing on this Physical plane of existence of the Demiurge so he could win on the Astral plane which unmasked to the whole world it's true enemy. *To Him, as for the Jew, the Second World War was only a battle within a Greater War*.
Consequently, the *Avatar* always knew he would lose this Battle on the Physical plane, now and here, and he acted consequently. Hitler, in Mein Kampf, affirmed Germany would never wage combat again on two fronts. But the *Avatar* forced the *Fuehrer* to attack Russia, without having defeated England. What did Hitler pretend to do? What did the *Avatar* pretend? In the end they both pretended the same thing: to fight the last one, *without claudicating on the Ideal, since it is this IDEAL that counts*, leaving firmly established the Luminous Principles, while at the same time *the mask was removed once and forever from the Planetary and Cosmic Enemy, the International Jew, as representation of Evil here on Earth*.
Seen from these heights, little is the importance of the betrayals. They were part of a magical ensemble, a Drama of Celestial Drama, accessory notes, secondary counterpoints, even if indispensable, in the Archetypical symphony. Hitler himself will be dragged by the current of Destiny, by the powerful Wind of the *Avatar*, and now nothing will He be able to do or change. Krause, his assistant uttered it for him, at the moment of initiating the attack on Poland. The officer himself has stated it to me. Hitler said: "There is nothing I can do now to control these events; except stop them. Not even I know how this will end."
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Galdrakver (‘Little Book Of Magic’)
It is known to have once been owned by Icelandic Bishop Hannes Finnson who was alive from 1739 until 1796 and known for having a vast library containing many volumes of magic related texts and manuscripts.
[gallery ids="831,832,833,834,835,836,837,838,839,840" type="square"]
Fascism arose as a revolt against the rationalism of the 18th and 19th centuries. The First World War struck at the depths of the psyche, and plunged the rationalist world view into disarray and a retreat that saw its grand vision of a "League of Nations" dashed.
The spread of occult societies during the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th centuries was likewise a response to the sterility of the rationalism and materialism.
It is not surprising then that the ground for Fascism was largely prepared by esoteric societies which arose in Europe. Among these were the New Templars of Von Liebenfels, the Runic order of Von List, and the German Order. The latter gave rise to the Thule Society, which was to establish the NSDAP as its political front.
It was Thule which provided the fledgling party with its own newspaper, the Volkische Beobachter, many of its officials, and the swastika flag designed by Thulist Dr Krohn.
Fascism reached to the Shadow of the European soul that had been repressed over a century of materialism, liberalism, rationalism and cosmopolitanism. It awakened the Berserker rage, the Spartan ethos, the martial spirit of the Roman Legions. It sought to bring balance back to a world that had been made lop-sided with the inversion of Nature, and of instinct by the Nazarene creed, and its Marxist and capitalist offshoots.
In German National Socialism, Carl Jung (founder of Analytical Psychology) saw the embodiment of the repressed "Shadow" of the German soul, which he named the Wotan archetype after the ancient Germanic god. Nazism and the fascist variants throughout Europe were a cathartic release from repression, a smashing of the very thin veneer of "civilization" that had held back the tribal, warrior ethos flowing through the veins of Europeans from the mists of creation, waiting to be reawakened and released.
Jung had written of such matters:
"We cannot possibly get beyond our present level of culture unless we receive a powerful impetus from our primitive roots. But we shall receive it only if we go back beyond our cultural level, thus giving the suppressed primitive man in ourselves a chance to develop. ... We need some new foundations. We must dig down to the primitive in us, for only out of the conflict between civilized man and the Germanic barbarian will there come what we need: a new experience of god."
Despite the phenomenon of Neo-Paganism (properly so called to distinguish it from Paganism per se), of wicca and New Age pacifist, cosmopolitan, internationalist creeds, there are today today a plethora of genuinely Pagan societies which remain true to the tribalist, warrior ethos of their ancestors. They are "Satanist" or "sinister" in that they recognise the dark, entropic force of Nature, the cyclic ebb and flow of history, and the creative act of destruction.
These "sinister" esoteric societies proclaim the "Daemonic revolution", to usher in the New Order on the collapse of the Old; a New Order that will reawaken the Dark soul of man, that he might live as a totality with the Light and the Dark returned to balance. These esoteric societies recognize Fascism (whether called by that name of not) as the political expression of primal truths. They include The Black Order of Pan-Europa, Fraternity of Balder, Order of Nine Angles, Abraxas Foundation, Blood Axis...
All such groups are playing their part in the unfolding of Aeonic destiny and the approach of Ragnarok. Fenrir is about to be unleashed!
'Black Metal: The aural expression of Esoteric Racial Mysticism' by Jarl von Hagall
"When the long winter nights come on and the wolves follow their meat into the lower valleys, he may be seen running at the head of the pack through the pale moonlight or glimmering borealis, leaping gigantic above his fellows, his great throat a-bellow as he sings a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack." The Call of the Wild
Black Metal in the early 80s started as another branch of Metal based on extreme aesthetics and music, satanic/occult imagery and lyrics, but without a particular ideological background. The antichristian spirit was dominant and basic element of this new genre, and the battle between good and evil, always taking the side of the dark forces, was presented with an imperious and warlike way - just look at the lyrics and the early pictures of Venom, Slayer, Bathory, Onslaught... The bands appear with axes, chains, spikes, evoking ancient warriors in a battle against the new foreign religion of compassion and passivity. Some characteristic examples like "Evil Has No Boundaries" (Slayer), "At War with Satan" (Venom), "The Devils Legions" (Onslaught), "Burst Command Till War" (Sodom), "Massacre" (Bathory) etc. prove that war and bloodshed was always a basic element of Black Metal since the very beginning. This healthy and atavistic, but still immature, attitude and hatred against christianity, was hiding an approach and return to the primeval ideals and traditions of paganism, something that will be realized for the first time in "Blood, Fire, Death" of Bathory and would continue in the next two albums of the new epic era of Quorthon's horde. Bathory must be considered the progenitors and the forefathers of the direction that Black Metal took in the 90s. Through Bathory, the racial and ancestral element was awakened for the first time, influenced by the Wagnerian epos and the works of Manowar, to be evolved into what become later known, initially, as Norwegian Black Metal, Viking/Pagan Metal and of course the intolerant political and ideological underground movement of National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM).
[caption id="attachment_769" align="alignnone" width="700"] Bathory[/caption]
Except the bright example of Bathory, in the early 90s the first wave of Black Metal was an old memory from the 80s, the completely alien and foreign to Metal hippie grunge was at its peak promoted by press and Death Metal was losing its original concept and foundations as it was infiltrated by peacepunk/grind core elements like the anti-fascist clowns Napalm Death who introduced anti-war and leftist social/political lyrics, polluting this important branch of Metal that was made to praise Death and obscurity. Nothing foreshadowed the storm that will follow... The beginning of it was "A Blaze in the Northern Sky", as it was called the second album of Darkthrone that changed everything... It was the beginning of the second wave of Black Metal (of course there were important bands from other countries except Norway, like Master's Hammer, Mortuary Drape, Samael etc. that were playing Black Metal even when Darkthrone was still a Death Metal band, but here we will mostly examine how the Norwegian Black Metal was an influence for the insertion of extremist political and religious ideas in the underground). A whirlwind followed with more northern hordes like Burzum, Immortal, Satyricon, Hades, Enslaved etc. joining this unholy crusade and the world witnessed a barrage of violence and church burnings. This second wave was extreme and primitive in its aesthetics. Lyrics that talked about the frozen dark forests and the cold of the north, glorifying the age of the Viking raids and declaring war and vengeance against the christian invaders. Pictures with medieval weapons, black leather and warpaint, a reference to the legends of the Oskorei, Odin's army of the dead, and the ancient Germanic war tribes...
But what pushed these teenagers to scream about War, Fire, Death and Destruction? It was an opposition to the modern world and its rotten and corrupted values, the self-complacent consumerist society of comfort and apathy, and generally against the judeochristian ethics, that were imposed on Europe and dominated all the facets of life. The vision for a new world, the dream for a society without the spiritual and political plagues, under which we suffer for centuries.
[caption id="attachment_773" align="aligncenter" width="764"] Count Grishnackh[/caption]
All this publicity and the noise that was generated around Black Metal, as it was normal, attracted the curiosity and the interest of many new fans but also of major Metal magazines and record labels that hustled to take advantage of its growing popularity. The commercialization and the transformation of Black Metal into a new trend had just begun...
This new development of things brought the necessary cleanup that was needed, so that in the pure underground, the National Socialist Black Metal would go forward and develop more the blending of music with ideology and the propagation of political and heathen religious positions. The European mythology, Ariosophy, the National Socialist cosmotheory and Blood Mysticism are some of the main subjects that constitute the concept of NSBM.
Those involved in NSBM, denying to be a part of the total sell out of the purpose and values that Black Metal originally represented, betrayed by the Norwegian B.M. stars (with only bright exception being that of Varg Vikernes and Ildjarn), dissociated themselves from the rest of the "scene" and walked alone the uncompromising path of Honour, defining themselves as heralds of the forbidden and dangerous ideas of Blood and Honour. They gave back worth and sense of existing, to an underground music movement that was going downwards...
NSBM consists a weapon of propaganda in the form of fierce and hateful music. It serves the purpose to awake the racial instincts and reconnect the individual with the ancestral past that lies in his subconscious and his bloodlines. It's a call of battle and resistance against the Zionist Occupational Government and its regime of democratic tyranny and enslavement, a voice of racial awareness and awakening of the archetypes and ways of an ancient soul that lives inside us inadvertently hidden, waiting for the sparking that will summon it from the oblivion and stand again in the strife for the defense of our Aryan heritage. It consists a REAL threat and danger for the current system because it's turned against the REAL enemy that is the international jew and propagates ideas that are “cursed” for the modern world, that’s why NSBM is forbidden and hunted in many European “democratic” countries while the harmless “nihilist-suicidal-orthodox-vampiric” entertaining jokes are widely accepted. They consider themselves as “dangerous”, but it’s them that they have the exposure, their releases are available everywhere and none of their gigs was ever cancelled, while NSBM is forbidden and persecuted in many European countries and many N.S. fighters are jailed… NSBM, unlike the immature and superficial rock/metal way of life of partying and drinking, advocates the ideal of the disciplined and cold warrior, who acknowledging that he is a being of duty, he is ready to sacrifice everything at the altar of fight, reaching transcendence.
[caption id="attachment_776" align="alignnone" width="770"] Lord of Evil[/caption]
I don't want in any way to idealize things, and it has to be admitted that NSBM in its early early form, when it was just called Aryan or Nazi Black Metal, fascinated to a great extent by the image of "evil" Nazism, the way it is presented by the jewish media, was inspired by the "holocaust", Nazi "war-crimes" mixed with Satanism and medieval vampirism, trying to provoke and to look as much extreme as possible. Of course with the passing of time, the scene matured and evolved and NSBM found its way and true identity, having as source of inspiration the endless European tradition and mythology, the N.S. Weltanscauung and driven by historical truth and knowledge, against the zionist and judeochristian lies.
Inspired by Burzum, some of the first bands that openly associated themselves with N.S. imagery and could be called as Nazi/Fascist Aryan Black Metal back then, were Black Funeral/Darkness Enshroud/Sorath (US - now Mike Ford has rejected anything that has to do with N.S., racism and his past. He had published a fanzine called "Crimson Arckanum" in 1995 that was a mix of NS, Satanic, Heathen and vampiric topics), Nastrond (Swe), Lord of Evil (from Gdynia, Poland- they liked to call it with its German name Gottenhafen - they chaned their name to WAR88, to fit more to their ideology, after renouncing Satanism. They had their own small circle of bands including Thorn, Hödur and Kohort and they released a compilation tape called 'Gottenhafen Kommando'), Legion of Doom (Gre), Funeral Winds and Liar of Golgotha (Hol), Osculum Infame (Fra), Spiteful (Swe - I still remember the great picture with the SS flag in "Tales of the Macabre" zine), Utux Xul (Fin - they claimed to play Fascist Black Metal) dark ambient bands like Lamentation and Wintergods (Gre) and followed shortly after by even more pure NS and politically extreme bands like Schwarze Sonne (Ger), Dysangelium (Fin), Spear of Longinus (Auss), Funeral (Fra)...
I will refer to Poland separately because this association there was stronger and wider. Polish Black Metal bands (Graveland, Fullmoon, Veles, Mysteries, Legion etc.) in collaboration with Pagan W.P. skinheads created their own organization 'Temple of the Fullmoon', inspired by the myth of Norwegian Inner Circle and the German 'Teutonic Brotherhood', whose members united the common fight and believes. T.O.F. decided to seize its activities at the summer of 1996 (during their third meeting in Misdzyrzecz city) and its members continued to be active through organizations like 'Union of Native Faith' and 'Social National Union', after the police operation during their second meeting in Szldarslea Poreva city at the summer of 1995, that caused serious problems. The police interfered after the march that T.O.F. organized in the centre of the city, where black-dressed long haired Black Metallers and skinheads were flying Swastika and Celtic Cross banners! Many of them were arrested and police seized propaganda material, swords, knives and flags.
[caption id="attachment_780" align="alignnone" width="770"] Absurd[/caption]
On April 29, 1993 an incident took place, that brought German Black Metal scene and the name of Absurd in the centre of the attention and gave to the band its notorious and sinister reputation. In the 'Forest of Retaliation', Absurd will put an end to the miserable life of a homosexual mongrel named Sandro Beyer, when he started to be very annoying. Hendrik Möbus and Sebastian Schauseil were sentened to 8 years in prison (they served 5, because of their young age). Absurd belonged to the 'Teutonic Brotherhood', a closed circle of Germanic Black Metal bands that its intention was to keep the scene clean from various parasites that infested the scene, through terror and other nice methods. Except Absurd, T.B. was consisted by Morke, Coven of the Worm, Silexater, Apokryphus, Fjell and Sacrifice Slaughter Jesus.
I have to explain here about the vampiric concept. Before it was twisted to a laughable sexualised fetishism, with pictures of gothic sluts posing nude, by commercial poser sell-outs like Cradle of Filth and their copycats (I speak here about their promotional pictures, merchandise etc. because C.O.F. started with very well-written Byronic, poetical and philosophical lyrics, but later they auto-ridiculed themselves and turned by the labels to some kind of funny caricatures), the European medieval legends and superstitions about vampires, werewolves and figures like Vlad Tepes and Erszebeth Bathory, were a basic and very important and serious concept and a part of the Black Metal aesthetics as it was summoned by the French Black Legions and bands like early Carpathian Forest, Nastrond and Countess… The archetypes of the bloodthirsty cruel vampire and the werewolf beast will forever haunt the Transylvanian nightmares created by true Black Metal…
[caption id="attachment_783" align="alignnone" width="770"] Countess[/caption]
Black Metal is naturally appealing to dreamers, thinkers and unique, romantic personalities (with the meaning that was given to the romantic movement in art and literature toward the end of the 18th century), way different than the average feeble-mined members of this society, that share a fascination for the ancient times, the middle ages and also with everything that has do to do with the bleaker and obscure side of life. Such a fascination could be a way of escapism but also a disgust for the current reality that we are all forced to live in, and a longing for the old ways of the past. The disgust for humanity and misanthropy can be healthy feelings and a stance of life that is born out of contempt for the degenerated and hedonistic way of life, the materialism and mental mediocrity of the mass. But this natural reaction must not be the reason for a denial of life and will to live (that usually is fake and pretentious, just a game by attention seekers), but the motivation to rise from the depths of depression & melancholy and stand up against the status quo and the forces of decadence; to turn apathy into action and convert chaos into order… Power is what separates strong individuals from the weaklings, and Black Metal should not be the sanctuary of such losers. An elitist revolutionary movement, as Black metal should be, needs those who will to fight and sacrifice, rejecting the unnecessary elements, the hypocrites and wannabes, who don’t mean to turn their words into actions and see Black Metal as a safe and non-dangerous hobby.
Here comes the hypocrisy of those who claim that Black Metal should not deal with politics – and by saying ‘politics’ they mean National Socialism. It’s right and acceptable to preach any kind of violent actions against christians and declare war against christianity but every reference against jews or Zionism is a "don't touch" topic, rejected and unacceptable. Those cowards who portray themselves as so “evil” and “misanthropic” are afraid in case that are going to be considered as “Nazis” or “antisemites”, they are so “extreme” and “intolerant” that are ass-licking the antifa scum and major record labels, assuring that they have nothing to do with politics. There also various examples of bands that used to be considered by the fans or even call themselves as NSBM or Aryan Black/Pagan Metal, but they ended up writing apologizing statements. Just flirting with imagery and ideology is something very easy and harmless that everyone can do, but when the things are getting really serious, then they deny any involvement with extreme and politically incorrect ideas and movements because they don’t want to have any bad consequences to their careers and personal lives… These cowards are afraid that speaking openly against the jews or admit that they have racist and anti-democratic ideas, it’s going to cause boycotts from major labels, gig organizers and threats from antifa scum (they shiver at the mere idea of it). So, it’s proved very easily that these so-called “elitists” are nothing but normal musicians and fake posers, trying to be something that they are not. They don’t differ from any pop-star, they are whores of the capitalist music industry hiding behind an “extreme” image, trying not to cross the line that they will make them a real threat for the current system; you need balls to do something like that, something that they simply don’t have. Black Metal has to be DANGEROUS, THREATENING, IDEALIST and serving a CAUSE, it must not be another kind of “extreme” music for the entertainment of frustrated kids and teeny gothic whores who try to escape reality and look cool and “evil” to their friends and shock their families and society… The majority of the non-NS black metal “community” (bands & fans) is just ignorant metalloids, weak and apathetic escapists who their only motivation in life is to drink, collect music and bang their empty heads. They deny fighting for any ideas and they are indifferent for anything that is happening around them, living in their own fictious world. They think that they are “extreme” and they “shock” the society by cutting their flesh like junkies and declare how much they hate the world and wish to end their own lives - but they don’t have the guts to do it, of course.They cause more laughing and pity than “fear”…
And those who claim that National Socialism has no place in Black Metal, because is an ideology against individualism, they have no idea of what they are talking about. Adolf Hitler clearly spoke about it in MEIN KAMPF: “It must start out from the principle that the blessings of mankind never came from the masses but from the creative brains of individuals, who are therefore the real benefactors of humanity. It is in the interest of all to assure men of creative brains a decisive influence and facilitate their work. This common interest is surely not served by allowing the multitude to rule, for they are not capable of thinking nor are they efficient and in no case whatsoever can they be said to be gifted. Only those should rule who have the natural temperament and gifts of leadership”.
Many so-called Pagan/Viking Metal bands publicly deny any connection with politics and racialism (and even worse, joining ridiculous “organizations” like “metalheads against racism”), in the name of political correctness and popularity, forgetting that Race and Blood consists a basic element of an ethnic religion and culture. Most of these bands have a very facile and superficial approach of Heathenism that tends to be juvenile and cartoonish. Their music and lyrics are not offered for a deeper understanding and experience of our forefathers’ faith, but it’s just funny entertainment and cheap folklore, for drinking and partying, as you can witness in all these festivals where all these party “Vikings” gather, with their drinking horns and tasteless costumes. The same goes for Asatru groups that accept non-Europeans in their ranks and form coalitions like “heathen against hate”.
As an answer to all those who defiled and twisted the real meaning of Black Metal, an alliance of the worthy and noble ones was necessary. THE PAGAN FRONT combined the National Socialist ideology with the Creed of Ancestral Warlike Heathenism, as they are connected with common unbroken bonds and they are indivisible parts of the same Weltanschauung. PAGAN FRONT is a Brotherhood of people involved in the NSBM scene (bands, zines, individuals) united by the same Ideals and Faith. THE PAGAN FRONT is beyond any chauvinist attitudes and stupid conflicts between Aryan Brothers and the aim is to unite all the worthy Sons of Europa for a common Fight under the Black, White & Red Sunwheel Banner. THE PAGAN FRONT wants the young people that start to have an interest for white music like Black Metal not to just stay music fans but become educated and aware of their culture, heritage and racial identity, ready to become themselves useful soldiers (warriors, musicians, thinkers, authors etc.) in the service of our Cause. (NS)BM is just the vehicle and not the main aim, that will recruite the noblest part of our youth, guiding them to the right path and make them devoted soldiers of our cause.
Antifa is another tool of the enemy used to cause problems to our activity. I was asked by ZERO TOLERANCE magazine to express my thoughts about this "threat" against us:
"What are your thoughts on the antifa and how their current actions could impact the underground in the decade to come?"
"Antifa are just puppets of the new world order, used and patronized by the Zionists, to spread the syndromes of anti-racism, politically correctness and hatred towards anything National and Racial... It's not a surprise that they are waving Israel flags and f.e. they support war crimes like the bombing of Dresden... Also, every criticism against the criminal policy of Israel is considered "anti-semitism". About how their "actions" could impact the underground, I believe that as long as there are still (a few) bands that they don't care at all if they will be labeled
as fascists or Nazis and they continue, ignoring any "boycott" of this sort, then they are completely harmless and not to be taken seriously... Their "war" is only in the internet and by threatening venue owners by phone or even calling the police... Also, any physical confrontation would end up disastrous for them... Seeing bands that are considered by many (or calling themselves) as "Aryan", "Racial" or even "N.S." apologizing to the antifa, writing pitiful statements, denying any links with politics and N.S. ideology, asking for the mercy of the antifa, hoping that the boycott will stop, is (at least) laughable... These bands deserve scorn for being such cowards and asslickers..."
About politics: as Aristotle said in his book "politics", man is a political being. Everything in life is politics. Speaking about overthrowing christianity is politics too. A strong man’s mission is, except changing and evolving himself by seeking wisdom and knowledge, is to change his surroundings and the environment in which he has to live and create. This environment has to be according his standards, culturally and aesthetically. Lyrics about fighting against the current political system that is influencing negatively our lives in every aspect or about kicking out the alien immigrants from Europe, could be a subject that a Black Metal band could deal about (the same way that many bands writing about killing christians). There are esoteric and spiritual elements but also exoteric ones that influence our microcosm. A musician can express his personal believes and opinions through a medium as music and it’s up to him to choose… And Black Metal is above all about hatred, isn’t it? Of course other forms of White Power music (RAC, Hatecore) are talking mostly about the daily problems that our Race is facing nowadays like immigration, race-mixing etc. and about the Pride of being White, while NSBM is concentrated mostly in the esoteric aspects of our Weltanschauung that consist and the epitome of National Socialism. I think that this is the most important and makes NSBM the Mystical Voice of the Aryan Soul…
Back in the 90s there was not any politically correct frenzy among the bands and the fans as we can see nowadays. You could see racist and extreme political statements in interviews, done by well-known bands that nowadays are famous and successful. Nobody cared or spoke against such phenomena back then. It was natural and obvious for a Black Metal musician to have such believes and views and the only ones that may were offended were some non-whites bands from Asian or third world countries… I remember Goat Penis threatening to kill Mystifier if they would appear to play live in a festival, Mortiis saying that bands like Impiety should not play Black Metal because it's only for white people and members of bands like Dark Funeral and Dimmu Borgir making racist statements in interviews. Political Correctness was a result of the commercialization and exploitation of Black Metal by the music industry and its acceptance by wider audiences, as these newcomers considered it as another branch of metal music and a phenomenon of the pop culture…
Satanism and occultism were since the beginning of this kind of music a basic element if a band would be determined as Black Metal or not, especially in the 80s where the bands had their own, unique & original sound and the only connection between them was the lyrical concept. There are very slight musical similarities between Mercyful Fate, Hellhammer, Death SS, early Destruction etc. but there is no doubt they are all Black Metal. Satanism as a notion is something very general and indeterminate and it’s including materialist atheists like “The Church of Satan”, goat worshipers, weirdos and fetishists, perverts, liberals, religious "orthodox" or anti-cosmic satanists (this is a new fruit) etc. Everyone has its own opinion and version about what Satanism is or it should be. In the extreme Black Metal underground of the 90s the most dominant and acceptable version of Satanism was the one that recognizes the Faustian and Aeonic Spirit of European civilization, the fascist, cruel and remorseless laws of nature and the survival of the fittest as the highest values. The sinister shadowside of the European racial soul was a basic element of a Satanism that was adapted to each individual’s cultural and national characteristics. It was a darker side of what we call Heathenism (which of course is the purest form of our ancestor’s believes, even many times almost christianized by dualistic influences, with rejection of the dark/sinister side). Many interesting booklets were circulated and many articles were published in fanzines, of organizations like Order of Nine Angles, The Black Order, Order of the Left Hand Path, The Werewolf Order, Sinister Order of Fenrir, White Order of Thule and some very interesting publications was Atheosophia, Nexus, Key of Alocer, Order of the Evil Eye, Crossing the Abyss etc. Even “Church of Satan” had some very interesting views as they were expressed by known and notorious members of it, like Nikolas Shreck, Michael Moynihan and Boyd Rice.
In the early 2000s a new phenomenon appeared mostly in Sweden and France, expressed by some, mainly, young bands that called themselves “religious Satanists”, claiming that they play “orthodox Black Metal”. These spiritual jews adopted Yiddish biblical doctrines and created their own form of judaic Satanism, praising Jehovah, rabbis and jewish kabbalah. Also anti-cosmic Satanism or “dark Germanic heathenism” that are based in some unreliable books that their "facts" exist only in the imagination of their authors, their believes are based on a judeochristian dualistic battle between “good’ and “evil” forces, they distort and misinterpret mythology and generally all the believes of our ancestors and every known occult and magical system.
Anti-cosmic is the modern society of today, which is unnatural and chaotic. The cosmos is sacred and it’s an obscenity against the universal laws and the Gods to turn against it. There is no real battle between the Solar and Dark Gods, they don’t represent “good” and “evil” in a christian way, but real archetypical forces and symbolisms that strive to bring the harmony in universe and man, after the necessary destruction of a cosmic cycle and the dawn of a new one…
[caption id="attachment_801" align="alignnone" width="720"] The Wild Hunt[/caption]
This is the opposite of the judeo-christian (“Abrahamic”) eschatological doctrine that considers that time is following a straight course with a start and an end, so the “believers” have to repent for their sins to save their souls before the end of the world – fear and submission was always the mentality of the slaves… Knowledge, wisdom and experience helps the individual to surpass the dilemma of “good” and “evil”, because what matters then is only the enforcement and triumph of the inexorable and fierce laws of nature and not the ephemeral and selfish interests and complexes of the common human psychism… Estimating and separating things according the logic of religious dualism influences the judgment and affects the will that is the driving force of this world, with result the individual to become weak and captive of this ethic, being unable to act accordingly… A total contempt, a complete inversion of the current false values and ascending beyond "good" and "evil" through a numinous way, this must be the goal of Black Metal.
From the book "Black Metal: European Roots & Musical Extremities"
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Georg Ritter von Schönerer
Georg Ritter von Schönerer (17 July 1842 – 14 August 1921) was an Austrian landowner and politician of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A major exponent of pan-Germanism and German nationalism in Austria as well as a radical opponent of political Catholicism and a fierce antisemite, his agitation exerted much influence on the young Adolf Hitler.
Characteristic of Schonerer’s ideology and was the combination of radical German nationalism with antisemitism. His antisemitic rhetoric was explicitly racial: “We must thus insist unconditionally on the separating out of Jewish children and on the complete exclusion of Jewish instructors, whether baptized or not, from the schools of our race. . . . Instead, we wish our youth to receive instruction and education according to Christian-Aryan principles,” he declared in a speech in Vienna on February 24, 1888. Calling for the protection of German blood from that of the inferior Jewish race was a permanent feature of his rhetoric. His influence on the German-National movement in Austria was enduring, and its significance should not be underestimated, even though he never managed to fashion a powerful party. From the 1880s on, Schonerer cleared the way for racial antisemitism to become a part of Austrian political culture. It is no exaggeration to label him a precursor of National Socialism and Hitler, who admired his ideas.
Race (1893)
Before my arms, powerful with freedom, sank
The dividing walls that madness had created.
The boundaries of belief, party, and statute
I smashed, following only the call of freedom.
But never can I break the last bond
That encircles me with my kind.
I wish to call myself a German with those
Toward whom blood’s voice urges me.
Out of the race did my solitary self grow.
It is the seed out of which came my individuality.
Thus I stretch to my fellows in blood, unforced,
In independence my hand.
Speeches by Schönerer:[1].htm
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
The Racial World-view of H.P. Lovecraft
Lovecraft had a rather unbecoming tendency to judge other branches of the Indo-Aryan racial family from a very chauvinist, Imperial, pro-English perspective. Despite his derogatory remarks about Slavs and Celts, if he were alive today there could be little doubt that he would embrace the ideals of Pan-Aryanism.
Sept. 30, 1919:
No one else in filmland can duplicate his delineation of stark, hideous terror or fiendish malignancy. Hayakawa excels in tragical pathos, and would soar high if he were a white man. I would not at all be surprised if he had a dash of white blood somewhere. Both Walthall and Hayakawa are too good for films -- they ought to be known more widely.
...Orientals must be kept in their native East till the fall of the white race. Sooner or later a great Japanese war will take place, during which I think the virtual destruction of Japan will have to be effected in the interests of European safety. The more numerous Chinese are a menace of the still more distant future. They will probably be the exterminators of Caucasian civilisation, for their numbers are amazing. But that is all too far ahead for consideration today.
Jan. 23, 1920:
Eroticism belongs to a lower order of instincts, and is an animal rather than nobly human quality. For evolved man -- the apex of organic progress on the Earth -- what branch of reflection is more fitting than that which occupies only his higher and exclusively human faculties? The primal savage or ape merely looks about his native forest to find a mate; the exalted Aryan should lift his eyes to the worlds of space and consider his relation to infinity!!!!
Oct. 6, 1921:
At heart I despise the aesthete and prefer the warrior -- I am essentially a Teuton and barbarian; a Xanthochoric Nordic from the damp forests of Germany or Scandinavia, and kin to the giant chalk-white conquerors of the cursed, effeminate Celts. [The common blood shared by all Aryan peoples -- Baltic, Germanic, Slavic or Celtic -- was not understood by Mr.Lovecraft; thus his derogatory statements made towards the Slav and Celt.] I am a son of Odin and brother to Hengist and Horsa...Grr...Give me a drink of hot blood with Celtic foes skull as a beaker! Rule, Britannia...GOD SAVE THE KING!
May 18, 1922:
[Here Mr.Lovecraft comments on the filthy non-White slums of N.Y.]
The illumination is unique and extensive, but neither superlatively impressive nor in any sense truly artistic. At the elevated station at 6th Ave. and 42nd St. I lost my fellow Anglo-Saxon, whose home is far to the north in the semi-African jungles of Harlem; [Negroes had already made a slum out of Harlem by 1922]
...Kleiner proceeded to lead us into the slums; with "Chinatown" as an ulterior objective. My gawd what a filthy dump! I thought Providence had slums, and antique Bostonium as well; but damn me if I ever saw anything like the sprawling sty-atmosphere of N.Y.s lower East Side. We walked -- at my suggestion -- in the middle of the street, for contact with the denizens, spilled out of their bulging brick kennels as if by a spawning beyond the capacity of the places, was not by any means to be sought. At times, though, we struck peculiarly deserted areasthese swine have instinctive swarming movements, no doubt, which no ordinary biologist can fathom. Gawd knows what they are -- ... -- a bastard mess of stewing mongrel flesh without intellect, repellent to the eye, nose, and imagination would to heaven a kindly gust of cyanogen could asphyxiate the whole gigantic abortion, end the misery, and clean out the place. [H.P.L. advocates ethnic cleansing as a legitimate means of ridding the world of human pollution. And, in a beautiful way at that.] The streets, even in the centre, are filthy with old papers and vegetable debris -- probably the street-cleaners dislike to soil their white uniforms by visiting such infernos.
Feb. 10, 1923:
Anent the Fascist problem -- assuredly we approach it from radically different directions. Galpinius and I have been discussing democracy a lot lately, and we agree that it is a false idol -- a mere catchword and an illusion of inferior classes, visionaries, and dying civilisations. Life has no ultimate values, and our proximate values can be little more than what we like to see or posses. "Right" and "Wrong" are primitive conceptions which cannot endure the test of cold science. Now Galpin and I maintain that, logically, man of taste should prefer such things as favour strong and advanced men at the expense of the herd. Of what use is it to please the herd? They are simply coarse animals -- for all that is admirable in man is the artificial product of special breeding. We advocate the preservation of conditions favourable to the growth of beautiful things -- imposing palaces, beautiful cities, elegant literature, resposeful art and music, and a physically select human type such as only luxury and a pure racial strain can produce. Thus we oppose democracy, if only because it would retard the development of a handsome Nordic breed. We realise that all conceptions of justice and ethics are mere prejudices and illusions -- there is no earthly reason why the masses should not be kept down for the benefit of the strong, since every man is for himself in the last analysis. We regard the rise of democratic ideas as a sign of cultural old age and decay, and deem it a compliment to such men as Mussolini when they are said to be "XVth century types. We are proud to be definitely reactionary, since only a bold repudiation of the word "liberal" pose and the progress illusion can we get the sort of authoritative social and political control which alone produces things which make life worth living. We admire the old German Empire, for it was a force so strong that it almost conquered all the combined forces of the rest of the world. Personally, my objection to Germany in the late war was that it formed a menace to our English Empire -- an empire so lamentably split in 1775-83, and so regrettably by effeminate ideas of liberty. My wish was that we English reunite into one irresistible power and establish an (sic) hegemony of the globe in true Roman fashion. Neither we nor Germany will ever be really strong till we have unified imperial control.
Our modern worship of empty ideals is ludicrous. What does the condition of the rabble matter? All we need do is to keep it as quiet as we can. What is more important, is to perpetuate those things of beauty which are of real value because involving actual sense-impressions rather than vapid theories. "Equality" is a joke -- but a great abbey or cathedral, covered with moss, is a poignant reality. If (it) is for us to safeguard and preserve the conditions which produce great abbeys, and palaces, and picturesque walled town, and vivid sky-lines of steeples and domes, and luxurious tapestries, and fascinating books, paintings and statuary, and colossal organs and noble music, and dramatic deeds on embattled fields -- these are all there is of life: taken (sic) them away and we have nothing which a man of taste or spirit would care to live for. Take them away and our poets have nothing to sing -- our dreamers have nothing to dream about. The blood of a million men is well shed in producing one glorious legend which thrills posterity and it is not at all important why it was shed. A coat of arms won in a crusade is worth a thousand slavering compliments bandied about amongst a rabble.
Reform? Pish! We do no want reform! What would the world be without its scarlet and purple evil! Drama is born of conflict and violence...god! Shall we ever be such women as to prefer the blond-bearded warrior? The one sound power in the world is the power of a hairy muscular right arm!
Yah! How I spit upon this rotton (sic) age with its feeble comforts and thwarted energies -- its Freuds and Wilsons, Augustines and Heliogabali, -- rabbles and perversions! What these swine with their scruples and problems, changes and rebellions, need, is a long draught of blood from a foeman's skull on the battlements of a mountain fortalice! We need fewer harps and viols, and more drums and brasses. The answer to jazz is the wild dance of the war-like conqueror! Don't complain of the youth's high-powered motor-car unless you can give him an horse and armour and sed him to conquer the domains of the neighborouing kings! Modern life my gawd! I dont wonder that literature is going to hell or chaos! What is there to write about now? Before we have literature we must have life -- bold, colourful, primitive, and picturesque. We must change a George V for a Richard Coeur de Lion -- a Platagenet!.
May 3, 1923:
Nothing must disturb my undiluted Englishry -- God Save The King! I am naturally a Nordic -- a chalk-white, bulky Teuton of the Scandinavian or North-German forests -- a Vikinga berserk killer -- a predatory rover of Hengist and Horsa -- a conqueror of Celts and mongrels and founders of Empires -- a son of the thunders and the arctic winds, and brother to the frosts and the auroras -- a drinker of foemen's blood from new picked skulls -- a friend of the mountain buzzards and feeder of seacoast vultures -- a blond beast of eternal snows and frozen oceans -- a prayer to Odin and Thor and Woden and Alfadur, the raucous shouter of Niffelheim -- a comrade of the wolves, and rider of nightmares -- aye -- I speak truly -- for was I not born with yellow hair and Blue eyes -- the latter not turning dark till I was nearly two, and the former lasting till I was over five? Ho, for the hunting and fishing in Valhalla! Who knows..? The Phillipses come from the borderlands of Wales, that mystic Machenian land. May there not be in them some trace of blood from some Roman prepraetor of Britannia Secunda, whose capital was Isca Silurum with its walls, its noble amphitheatre, its Etruscan-columned Temple of Diana, its Pons Saturni, its tessellated pavements, its inscriptions of the Septimii Severi, its Via Nympharum and Via Julia,...Io triumphe! S.P.Q.R.!!...Yes, Sonny, the Mediterranean world isn't so bad when one goes back to Pelasgic times and takes the Graeco-Roman races! After all, I have dark hair and eyes now, no matter what I used to have; and it is quite as good to be a sanguinary Roman consul as a Norse pirate. Long live the Pantheon! Vivat M. Agrippa! By being a Roman, I can quite logically prove a good grandfather to such as my small boys Belnapius and Alfredus ...Latins all! But as a classical and ancient Latin, I enjoy cheese, which was a leading feature of the Graeco-Roman diet. Therein our souls are separated by the impassable gulf of the Dark Ages, O Francisco Borgia, Prince of Arsenic-Sharks and Stilletto hounds!
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Adolf Hitler on Neo-Pagans
Monday, January 2, 2017
RAVEN DARK "Foretasting the Death by Birth"
"Foretasting the Death by Birth"
The last and most awaited release of the outgoing year for BlazeBirth Hall fans has been released at last! Never released before and surprisingly not uploaded in the Internet it is available for the listeners in the form of an impressive edition: a 6-panel digipak with a 12-page booklet has an exclusive design, the work on it continued for more than a year and was successfully completed shortly before the release. A full-length album recorded in far 1998 a.y.p.s. by Ulv Gegner Irminsson (vocal, guitars, bass, lyrics) and Ransverdi (drums) reveals an alchemical trilogy the idea of the eternal search for the immortal Hero's archetype, started in the previous albums: "Foretasting the Death by Birth" - "By the Anger of Eternal Opening" - "Katarsis". The album represents the best music and lyric traditions of BlazeBirth Hall and fully dips a listener into the atmosphere of the sacral Myth.
Sunday, January 1, 2017
«Η μητέρα μου πρόσεχε να μη φιλήσουν τα χείλη μου Ελληνικά χείλη,
να μην αγγίξουν τα χέρια μου Ελληνικά χέρια
και ούτε Ελληνικά τραγούδια να ΜΟΛΥΝΟΥΝ τα αυτιά και την γλώσσα μου»
Γρηγόριος Νανζιαζηνός
Οι τρεις ιεράρχες και τα «ελληνοχριστιανικά» ιδεώδη
Ο Μέγας Βασίλειος γράφει στο έργο του «εις τον Προφήτην Ησαΐαν Προοίμιον»:
«Μη δειλιάζετε από των Ελληνικών πιθανολογημάτων… τα οποία είναι σκέτα ξύλα, μάλλον δε δάδες που απώλεσαν και του δαυλού την ζωντάνια και του ξύλου την ισχύ, μη έχοντας δε ούτε και του πυρός την φωτεινότητα, αλλά σαν δάδες καπνίζουσες καταμελανώνουν και σπιλώνουν όσους τα πιάνουν και φέρνουν δάκρυα στα μάτια όσων τα πλησιάζουν. Έτσι και (των Ελλήνων) η ψευδώνυμος γνώση σε όσους την χρησιμοποιούν».
Και ο Αγιος Ιωάννης ο Χρυσόστομος γράφει στην ομιλία του εις Άγιον Ιωάννην τον Ευαγγελιστήν:
«Αν κοιτάξεις στα ενδότερα (των ελληνικών σκέψεων) θα δεις, τέφρα και σκόνη και τίποτε υγιές, αλλά τάφος ανοιγμένος είναι ο λάρυγγας (των Ελλήνων φιλοσόφων!), όλα δε είναι γεμάτα ακαθαρσίες και πύον, και πάντα τα δόγματα τους βρίθουν από σκουλίκιαν…
Αυτά γέννησαν και αύξησαν οι Έλληνες, παίρνοντας από τους φιλοσόφους τους… Εμείς όμως, δεν παραιτούμαστε από την μάχη εναντίον τους».
Τόση ήταν η αγάπη τους προς τους Έλληνες και την Ελλάδα που ο Χρυσόστομος συμβουλεύει τους χριστιανούς στον λόγο του «Περί Κενοδοξίας και πώς δει τους Γονείς Ανατρέφειν τα Τέκνα»:
«Κανένας δεν πρέπει να δίνει στα παιδιά του ονόματα των ελλήνων προγόνων του, του πατέρα, της μητέρας, του παππού και του προπάππου, αλλά να δίνει τα ονόματα των δικαίων της Παλαιάς Διαθήκης».
Ιδού και η απάντηση σε όσους απορούν γιατί δεν μπορούν να δώσουν όνομα στα παιδιά τους που δεν περιλαμβάνεται στας εκκλησιαστικάς δέλτους!
Είναι όμως και ο Γρηγόριος Νανζιαζηνός:
«Η μητέρα μου πρόσεχε να μη φιλήσουν τα χείλη μου Ελληνικά χείλη, να μην αγγίξουν τα χέρια μου Ελληνικά χέρια και ούτε Ελληνικά τραγούδια να ΜΟΛΥΝΟΥΝ τα αυτιά και την γλώσσα μου».
Βασίλειος ο Μέγας (υβριστής των Ελλήνων)
Ο Βασίλειος ήταν επίσκοπος την περίοδο μεταξύ των Α΄ (325 μ.Χ.) και Β΄ Οικουμενικών (381 μ.Χ.) Συνόδων. Πέθανε δυό χρόνια πρίν την Β΄ σύνοδο, αλλά είχε προλάβει να προετοιμάσει το θεολογικό έδαφος, πάνω στο οποίο στηρίχθηκε αυτή. Ο τίτλος «Μέγας» του αποδόθηκε από τα εννέα αδέλφια του, τέσσερα από τα οποία έχουν ανακηρυχθεί επίσης άγιοι (Γρηγόριος Νύσσης, Πέτρος Σεβαστείας, οσία Μακρίνα, Ναυκράτιος). Αγία ανακηρύχθηκε και η μητέρα τους, Εμμέλεια. Ο Βασίλειος ασκήτευσε επί πολλά έτη και πέθανε σε ηλικία 49 ετών από ασθένεια των νεφρών, που μάστιζε εκείνο τον καιρό τους ασκητές, λόγω της κακής διατροφής τους.
Ενδεικτικά παραθέτουμε μερικά μόνο χαρακτηριστικά αποσπάσματα από γεμάτα ανθελληνικό μένος κηρύγματα του Μεγάλου Βασιλείου (έχουν ληφθεί από την «Patrologia Graeca» του αββά Migne):
- «Και ράξει ο Θεός τους επανισταμένους επί όρος Σιών επ’ αυτόν, και τους εχθρούς αυτού διασκεδάσει, Συρίαν αφ’ ηλίου ανατολών και τους Έλληνας αφ’ ηλίου δυσμών, τους κατεσθίοντας τον Ισραήλ όλω τω στόματι.
» Ράξειν ουν αυτούς επαγγέλλεται και καταβαλείν πάντας τους επανισταμένους τω όρει Σιών, και διασκεδάσειν αυτών την κατά της αληθείας ασεβή συμφωνίαν. Εισί δε οι εχθροί Σύροι και Έλληνες· οι μεν τα προς ανατολάς του ηλίου κατέχοντες, οι δε τα προς τας δυσμάς. Δια τούτο δε διασκεδασθήσονται, επειδή κατήσθιον όλω τω στόματι τον Ισραήλ.» («Εnarratio in prophetam Ιsaiam», κεφ. 9, τμ. 230, γρ. 1-10.)
- «Ημείς δε, ώσπερ απεφύγομεν Έλληνας.» («Contra Sabellianos et Arium et Anomoeos», τ. 31, σελ. 600, γρ. 32.)
- «Οι παρά τοις Έλλησι σοφοί, τον μεν βίον έχοντες τοις αισχίστοις της σαρκός πάθεσιν εγκυλινδούμενον.» («Εnarratio in prophetam Isaiam», κεφ. 10, τμ. 239, γρ. 22.)
- «Δια της σης σοφίας εις το βάθος της Ομήρου μανίας εισελθείν.» («Εpistulae», Epistle 345, τμ. 1, γρ. 25.)
- «Οι των Ελλήνων σοφοί, οι την φιλοσοφίαν ασκήσαντες, και την μισογυνίαν ελόμενοι, κατακρίνουσι τους εν τη αληθινή σοφία όντας, και συμπεπλεγμένους γυναικαρίοις ασώτοις.» («Sermo de contubernalibus», τ. 30, σελ. 824, γρ. 39-42.)
- «Πρόσταγμα ημίν, μη δειλιάν από των Ελληνικών πιθανοτήτων και από των παρά τοις ετεροδόξοις δυσφημιών, άτινά εστι δύο ξύλα, μάλλον δε δύο δαλοί, απολέσαντες μεν του φυτού το ζωτικόν και του ξύλου το ισχυρόν, μη έχοντες δε το του πυρός φωτεινόν, αλλά δαλοί καπνιζόμενοι, μελαίνοντες μεν τους απτομένους αυτών και σπιλούντες, δακρύειν δε τους οφθαλμούς των εγγιζόντων παρασκευάζοντες.» («Εnarratio in prophetam I», κεφ. 7, τ. 196, γρ. 3-9.)
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