Sunday, October 13, 2024


 “Decadence in modern mass multicultural societies begins at a moment when there is no longer any discernible meaning within society. Meaning is destroyed by raising individualism above all other values because rampant individualism encourages the anarchical proliferation of egotism at the expense of the values that were once part of the national heritage, values that give form to the concept of nationhood and the nation State, to a State which is more than just a political entity, and which corresponds to a particular people who are conscious of sharing a common heritage for the survival of which they are prepared to make personal sacrifices.”

— Alain de Benoist

Monday, September 30, 2024

Poetry is the hero of philosophy

"Poetry is the hero of philosophy. Philosophy elevates poetry to the status of principle. It teaches us to recognize the value of poetry. Philosophy is the theory of poetry. It shows us what poetry is, that it is one and all."

— Novalis

Thursday, September 19, 2024

A New Era

Life was good, and I mean that in every sense of the word. While I remember nothing about the struggle for power as I was born in 1929, I heard many stories. When I started to remember my life, it was 1934 and I remember my father coming home in his sharp black uniform, and I would take his cap and play with it. All I remember hearing was how much better everyone had it, I would overhear how Germany overcame a lot of despair and a bad economy.

The people I saw were genuinely happy; there were smiles everyplace I would go, and my father took me with him on many trips. I remember the throngs of people who came up to my father to thank him and the other leaders around him for saving them. It was a strange feeling, my father was very high up in the Reich government but yet I felt, and my father reinforced this, that we were part of the people, no better and no worse. That was the essence of National Socialism; everything was done for the people, to help improve everyone's life and happiness.

I still remember going for walks and smelling all the gourmet food from the mom and pop stores that lined the streets, under National Socialism everyone was encouraged to start a small business or to have a good career, so we had many shops to choose from. I would often go with my mother to buy ingredients for dishes that we would cook together; every family was encouraged to eat together and share. The life I remember in the Reich was organized, happy, fulfilling, and full of hope.

Gudrun Himmler

Saturday, September 14, 2024


 Throughout our oldest saga, there is one thing that stands out: the chieftain's thought. Leadership. Trust in a leader, loyalty and sacrifice towards him. We cannot ignore that in our dreams, and these thoughts were strong and alive until the country was "Europeanized", was drawn into the thinking and way of life of a more refined world. Immediately the chieftain's thought slipped away, when self‐interest gained power over the loyalty to leaders and fatherland, then our saga descends into a shadowy valley. But as long as the idea of a chieftain was alive and well, we can confidently turn to our history and rejoice in what our fathers achieved and what they led the country to.

Kristen Lindøe

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Μια Νέα Εποχή

 Έλληνες χωρικοί υποδέχονται με λουλούδια και λευκές σημαίες τις Γερμανικές εμπροσθοφυλακές στις παρυφές των χωριών, μια συχνή εικόνα κατά την διάρκεια της Γερμανικής προέλασης κυρίως στην Νότιο Ελλάδα . Στην Λαμία αφού Έλληνες πολίτες αποσύνδεσαν τα Αγγλικά καλώδια ανατίναξης υποδομών της πόλης προαπάντησαν τους Γερμανούς στις παρυφές της πόλης και τους οδήγησαν στις αποθήκες των Άγγλων που δεν πρόλαβαν να ανατινάξουν . Στην Θεσσαλονίκη Έλληνες αστυνομικοί μαζί με Γερμανούς έδωσαν μάχη με Άγγλους σώζοντας την ύδρευση της πόλης. Η Βρετανική επικυριαρχία δεν ήταν αγαπητή στην Ελλάδα καθώς ήταν αρκετές οι φορές που οι Άγγλοι επέβαλαν την θέληση τους με την βία. Τα γεγονότα της κατάληψης της Αθήνας απο τους αγγλογάλλους, η εκδίωξη του βασιλιά Κωνσταντίνου και η τοποθέτηση κυβέρνησης της αρεσκείας τους ήταν ακόμη νωπές. Υπήρχε γενικά η αίσθηση ότι επιτέλους η επικυριαρχία των Βρετανών έφτασε στο τέλος της και πως στην Ευρώπηκαι την Ελλάδα ξεκινά μια νέα εποχή υπο την ηγεμονία της Γερμανίας.

Τεκμήρια Ιστορίας

Sunday, August 25, 2024

N.S. Discipline and Order

 “Except for the fascist revolution in Italy, no other similar kind of historical action can compare to the National Socialist endeavour in its internal discipline and order.”

— Adolf Hitler, 1933

Monday, August 19, 2024

Knut Hamsun

 “Not only was Knut Hamsun a dedicated supporter of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist New Order in Europe, but his best writings—many written at the tail end of the nineteenth century—flow with the essence of the National Socialist spirit and life philosophy.”

Mark Deavin

Sunday, August 18, 2024

To Rise Again

 “The age we find ourselves living in clearly suggest what our primary watchword should be: to rise again, to be inwardly reborn, to create a new order and uprightness within ourselves. Those who harbor illusions about the possibility of a purely political struggle and the power of this or that formula or system, with no new human quality as its exact counterpart, have learned no lessons from the past.”

- Julius Evola

Adieu l'ami

 Alain Fabien Maurice Marcel Delon: 8 November 1935 – 18 August 2024

Στα 88 του, ο Αλέν Ντελόν ήρθε με τον «αντίπαλο» και φίλο του Ζαν-Πολ Μπελμοντό με τον οποίο, μεταξύ άλλων, μοιραζόταν ΕΝΑ συγκεκριμένο συναίσθημα. 
  Μαζί οι δύο τους και με την  Brigitte Bardot, ήταν στην πρώτη γραμμή της σθεναρής αντίθεσης στη γαλλική στροφή προς τον σοσιαλκομμουνισμό το 1968.
  Στα 17 του, ο Alain Delon κατατάχθηκε εθελοντικά στην Inodocina.
  Το 1971, μετά από μια τυχαία συνάντηση με τον πρόεδρο της Fuan ( Φοιτητική φασιστική Οργανωση στην Ιταλια), του έδωσε πολλές αγκράφες για ζώνη των νεαρων νεοφασιστων  φοιτητων.
Είναι γνωστό ότι στην Ισπανία, όταν γύριζε την ταινία Zorro, συνάντησε τον Léon Degrelle με τον οποίο τραβήχτηκε η φωτογραφία του στα γυρίσματα.
Στήριξε το Fronte National σε σημείο να προσφέρει το όνομά του για πιθανή υποψηφιότητα.
Όσο το επέτρεπε η υγεία του, σύχναζε τακτικά στο σπίτι του Ζαν-Μαρί Λεπέν, όπως μου είπε περήφανα η σύζυγός του Τζανί πριν από περίπου δέκα χρόνια, ενώ γευμάτιζα μαζί τους.


Gabriele Adinolfi

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Never forget, Never forgive!

Justice for Rudolf Hess!

You take an oath to a man whom you know follows the laws of providence, which he obeys independently of the influence of earthly powers, who leads the German people rightly, and who will guide Germany's fate. Through your oath you bind yourselves to a man who — that is our faith — was sent to us by higher powers. Do not seek Adolf Hitler with your mind. You will find him through the strength of your hearts!

"The Oath to Adolf Hitler" (1934)